As your child transitions to adulthood, Goodwill will be there for you.
Goodwill provides training and jobs for people with disabilities.
Our program serves thousands of individuals with disabilities and special needs each year.
Free Training
Help your children obtain
competitive employment in the
local labor market, achieve
financial stability, and meet
personal goals.
Support Services
Full breath of personal career
services at your disposal, including
counseling, medical,
psychological, educational and
social development.
Job programs include
handling of donated goods,
apparel manufacturing,
laundry service
and more.
See our team in action

"I cried tears that I hadn’t cried in a long time. I’m proud, sad, worried all in one. What the future holds…we will never know but I adore this child with all my heart and will never give up on trying to seek ways to help him overcome any obstacle." Monica Leiva, Mother | Children's Resource
"What we want for our kids, is the same everyone wants for their kids, health, and happiness."
Today Show - Ruth Singer and Mike Strunck
"I cannot imagine my kid's lives without Goodwill, due to the motivation they receive, they get ready and go to work ready every day."
Astrid Pulgarin, Mother Program Participants | Goodwill South Florida