Step Forward Program

Achieve Confidence, Build Skills, and Gain Independence Today! STEP Forward is a free program designed for youth with documented disabilities, offering skills training, mentorship, and a clear path to career readiness…


Sponsorship Opportunities Yes, I’m interested in supporting Goodwill South Florida Events. For more information and upcoming events, please email: Naming Opportunities Training, employment and job placement for people with disabilities and other barriers to work. As…

Spirit of Goodwill Band Performing Live! South Beach Jazz Festival - January 12, 2025

The Spirit of Goodwill Band is playing as part of an all-star jazz line-up on Lincoln Road in South Beach January 12, 2025

Spirit of Goodwill Band Performing Live! South Beach Jazz Festival

The Spirit of Goodwill Band is playing as part of an all-star jazz line-up on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach

Spirit of Goodwill Band Performing Live! Forward Motion Dance Festival & Conference

The Spirit of Goodwill Band in collaboration with Karen Peterson Dancers will be performing on March 23, 2024 at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium. Tickets Available! March 1, 2024

Spirit of Goodwill Band Performed at the South Beach Jazz Festival

The annual festival promotes inclusion for persons with disabilities.  Miami, FL (January 13,2023) - The 2023 South Beach  Jazz Festival featured world-renowned musicians from the entire spectrum of jazz 

Spirit of Goodwill Band - History

Our History "The Spirit of Goodwill" Band is a music program to improve the social and recreational skills, community integration, and personal adjustment for people with disabilities. The participant singers and musicians are characterized by a variety of physical, intellectual, and psychological…

"Spirit of Goodwill Band" Afternoon Concert at New World Center presented by Ryder

Purchase Tickets (In-person or Live Stream). Can't Make it? Donations are always welcomed.

Special Message Regarding Goodwill & Haiti Relief Efforts

Goodwill South Florida stands with the people of Haiti and their families. Our hearts are broken at the devastation the ...

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Goodwill South Florida produces 20,000 masks for Ryder essential employees.

Social Media

Let's Get Social Our Social Media Mashup page gives you – our fan & follower – the ability to see all the cool things happening at Goodwill South Florida. This is where you can keep up-to-date with all things GoodwillSFL, find out what events are coming up and learn more about our Mission.…

Ex Sino

Duis hendrerit jus tego. Acsi facilisis vindico vulputate. Conventio haero lobortis neo odio praesent ut utrum voco. Amet diam esse haero lucidus validus vulpes. Abluo at caecus dignissim enim jugis occuro proprius velit verto. Accumsan comis commoveo hos melior nisl quadrum saluto uxor. Abbas…

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SFBW: Goodwill Making Masks for Ryder

Goodwill South Florida has converted a portion of its sewing operations to manufacture 20,000 masks for employees at Miami’s Ryder System (NYSE: R).

Senior Leadership

David Landsberg President and Chief Executive Officer   Mauricio Hernandez   Chief Operating Officer Business…

Self-care and Finding Peace

Check out what our VP of Marketing and Development Lourdes de la Mata-Little has to say on how practicing self-care and decluttering ...